Tuesday 14 July 2015

Netanyahu says Iran nuclear deal 'a bad mistake of historic proportions'

"Iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world," the premier said.

The Iran nuclear accord hammered out in Vienna between the world powers and Tehran is a “historic mistake” for the world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday.

Netanyahu's comments came at the start of a meeting with visiting Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders.

Netanyahu, who said that he would relate to the details of the accord at a latter time, said that it is the result of wanting to reach an agreement “at any price.”

The prime minister said that the powers negotiating with Iran – the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany – made far reaching concessions on the areas meant to prevent Iran from ever being able to obtain nuclear arms.

In addition, he said, Iran will receive “hundreds of billions of dollars” with which it will be able to fuel its terrorist activities and aggression in the region and around the world.

“It is impossible to prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who chant ‘Death to America’ even during the negotiations,” he said.

Netanyahu said that because the government knew that the desire to reach an agreement was greater than anything else, it never committed itself to prevent the accord. “We did commit ourselves to preventing Iran from arming with nuclear weapons, and in my eyes that commitment still stands,” he said.

The prime minister, coming under withering criticism from the opposition for what is being termed a colossal failure on his part to stop the agreement, called for Israel's political leaders to put party politics aside and unite around a most fateful issue for Israel's future and security

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